Toddler Group
Our Tots sessions are held every Thursday from 9:45am to 11:00am, during term time. Activities include access to a safe outdoor area with a wide range of activities to explore and investigate. We have Forest School activities planned into sessions in our own woodland by a trained Forest Schools Leader, so that children can enjoy the outdoors and learn to appreciate their natural environment. The indoors has a bespoke sensory area that is great for babies and the younger child and for those children, who like to explore their senses through light, music, sensory toys. We also have our very popular, large bubble machine. The staff will plan to the interests of the children who regularly attend and provide play-based activities. Parents and Carers receive a warm welcome by our Early Years Practitioners on arrival. Please note there is a small charge of £1.50 per tot for the session.
Take a look below to look some of the wonderful activities that go on during our tots sessions.