- 0 Introduction
- 0.0 Implementation and review procedure
- 01 Health and Safety Policy
- 01.01 Risk Assessment
- 01.01a Generic Risk Assessment
- 01.01b Access Audit Form
- 01.01c Prioritised Place Risk Assessment Form
- 01.02 Group rooms, stair ways and corridor
- 01.03 Kitchen
- 01.04 Children's Bathrooms/Changing Areas
- 01.05 Milk Kitchen
- 01.06 Short trips, outings and excursions
- 01.07 Outdoors
- 01.08 Staff cloakrooms
- 01.09 Maintenance and Repairs
- 01.10 Laundry area
- 01.11 Staff Personal Safety
- 01.12 Threats and Abuse towards Staff and Volunteers
- 01.13 Entrances and Approach to the Building
- 01.14 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
- 01.15 Manual Handling
- 01.16 Festival (and other) Decorations
- 01.17 Jewellery and Hair Accessories
- 01.18 Animals and Pets
- 01.19 Face Painting and Mehndi
- 01.20 Notifiable Incident, Non-child Protection
- 01.21 Terrorist threat Attack and Lock-down
- 01.22 Closed circuit television
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- 02 Fire Safety Policy
- 02.01 Fire Safety
- 02.01a Fire Safety Risk Assessment Form
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- 03 Food Safety and Nutrition Policy
- 03.01 Food Preparation, Storage and Purchase
- 03.02 Food for Play and Cooking Activities
- 03.03 Milk and baby food preparation and storage
- 03.04 Menu Planning and Nutrition
- 03.05 Meeting Dietary Requirements
- 03.06 Breastfeeding
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- 04 Health Policy
- 04.01 Accidents and Emergency Treatment
- 04.02 Administration of Medicine
- 04.02a Healthcare plan
- 04.03 Life-saving Medication and Invasive Treatments
- 04.04 Allergies and Food Intolerance
- 04.05 Poorly Children
- 04.05a Infection control
- 04.06 Oral Health
- 04.07 Baby and Children Massage
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- 05 Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity Policy
- 05.01 Promoting Inclusion, Equality and Valuing Diversity
- 06 Safeguarding
- 06.01a Child Welfare and Protection Summary
- 06.01b Safeguarding Incident Reporting Form
- 06.01c Confidential Safeguarding Incident Report form
- 06.02 Low level concerns allegations of serious harm or abuse against staff volunteers
- 06.02a Low level concerns form
- 06.03 Visitor or Intruder on the Premises
- 06.04 Uncollected Child
- 06.05 Missing Child
- 06.06 Incapacitated Parent
- 06.07 Death of a Child On-site
- 06.08 Looked after Children
- 06.08a Care plan for looked after children form
- 06.09 E-safety
- 06.10 Key person supervision
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- 07 Record keeping policy
- 07.01a Privacy Notice
- 07.01 Children's records and data protection
- 07.02 Confidentiality, recording and sharing information
- 07.03 Client access to records
- 07.04 Transfer of records
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- 08 Staff, volunteers and student policy
- 08.01 Staff deployment
- 08.02 Deployment of volunteers and parent helpers
- 08.03 Student placement
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- 09 Childcare practice policy
- 09.01 Waiting list and admissions
- 09.01a About our childcare
- 09.01b Application to join
- 09.01c Childcare registration form
- 09.01d Childcare terms and conditions
- 09.02 Absence
- 09.03 Prime times - The role of the key person
- 09.04 Prime times - Settling in and transitions
- 09.05 Establishing children's starting points
- 09.06 Prime times - Arrivals and departures
- 09.07 Prime times - Baby and toddler mealtimes
- 09.08 Prime times - Snack-times and mealtimes
- 09.09 Prime times - Intimate care and nappy changing
- 09.10 Prime times - Sleep and rest time
- 09.11 Managing separation anciety in children under 2 years old
- 09.12 Promoting positive behaviour
- 09.13 Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND
- 09.13a SEN Support Initial record of concern form
- 09.13b SEN Support Action plan
- 09.14 Prime times - Transition to school
- 09.15 Progress check at age two
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- 10 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies policy
- 10.01 Working in partnership with parents and other agencies
- Complaints Policy